Back to Graduation

    Ultimate Checklist for Your Senior Year

    Being a high school senior is a crazy time of life — so many things are often happening within a family, from after-school activities, planning for what’s to come after high school, as well as celebrating throughout the year with school traditions like homecoming, prom and more.

    We’ve put together the ultimate parent and student senior graduation checklist to help you get planning early in the year and to carry you through graduation day (and beyond). We encourage you to print this off and keep it on your fridge to make sure you stay on track to have the best year and graduation celebration there is!

    Summer Header

    checked checkboxDownload this graduation checklist. Because you’re graduating this year!

    checkboxSchedule your senior photos.

    checkboxDon’t go through your senior year empty-handed! Design a class ring that suits your personality.


    Fall header

    checkboxGet that yearbook ordered to have an official record of all your senior year memories.

    checkboxPay attention to in-school announcements about senior meetings and graduation planning.

    checkboxWant your class ring in time for the holidays? Make sure to order by mid-October.

    checkboxGet those senior pics taken!

    checkboxTime to order! Get your announcements, cap and gown, thank you cards and accessories in advance!

    checkboxBegin planning that graduation celebration.


    Spring Header

    checkboxYou’re on track to graduate, right? Check in with your academic advisor now to be sure!

    checkboxIt’s not too late… order your announcements, cap and gown and more!

    checkboxPlanning on having a graduation celebration? Create your initial grad party invite list.


    2-3 Weeks Header

    checkboxMail party invites and grad announcements three weeks prior to your party.

    checkboxFind that graduation outfit.

    checkboxPick up your cap and gown from your rep or at high school. Try it on when you get home!

    checkboxCheck out the grad resources and tips on our site here»

    checkboxGet social: Remind your friends and relatives of your special party date and time.

    checkboxCollect photos, momentos and awards you wish to share at your graduation party.


    Grad Week Header

    checkboxHelp set up gift table, food tables, decorations, etc.

    checkboxDistribute gifts for teachers, mentors and coaches.

    checkboxGet excited! Watch this Day in The Life video to see what you have to look forward to on graduation day.

    checkboxMake sure your cap and gown is steamed and ready to go.


    Grad Day

    checkboxMake sure cameras and phones are charged for the big day ahead!

    checkboxDiscuss with family and friends where to meet after the ceremony.

    checkboxAssign someone to be in charge of photos and videos.

    checkboxBalloons! Don’t forget the balloons (and yard signs).


    Post Celebration Header

    checkboxThank you notes are sent out within two weeks.

    checkboxOrder ceremony video and photos

    checkboxReceive your official diploma!



    Additional Resources

    Custom Commencement Caps and Gowns

    Herff Jones offers one-of-a-kind Custom Rentals gowns and second-to-none Custom Keeper gowns. Custom gowns are specifically designed with school pride in mind.

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    Announcement Etiquette High School

    Here are some things you need to know about sending out your graduation announcements that will help you save time and give you an A+ in graduation etiquette.

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    The Importance of Networking - A Helpful Blog for the College Grad

    As a College student or a recent graduate, you have begun to understand the importance of networking.Whether it’s to help attain that first job out of school or move on to a new one, networking can play a huge role in helping you achieve your goals. Education and experience are …

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