College Graduation Hood Colors
What Color is Your Hood?
In addition to the graduation gown, stole and cap there is also the graduation hood.
The graduation hood comes in three sizes to help distinguish the college graduate’s degree, with the smaller hood signifying a bachelor’s degree, the medium-sized hood representing a master’s degree and the large-sized hood representing a doctoral degree.
In addition to various sizes, the hood also comes in various colors. The color of the satin lining of the hood will represent the school of the graduate and the soft velvet border will indicate the field of the graduate’s study.
While there are specific colors that have been established for certain degrees, (defined by the 1893 the inter-Collegiate Costume Code) a few schools may have established their own colors for certain degrees. Below you will find which color the American Council on Education prefers for which degree.
Shop for all your graduation essentials today.
Agriculture (Maize)
Arts, Letters, Humanities (White)
Commerce, accountancy, Business (Drab)
Dentistry (Lilac)
Economics (Copper)
Education (Light Blue)
Engineering (Orange)
Fine Arts, Architecture (Brown)
Forestry (Russet)
Journalism (Crimson)
Law (JD, LLD, LLB) (Purple)
Library Science (Lemon)
Medicine (Green)
Music (Pink)
Nursing (Apricot)
Oratory Speech (Silver Gray)
Pharmacy (Olive Green)
Philosophy (Dark Blue)
Physical Education (Sage Green)
Public Administration, Foreign Service (Peacock Blue)
Public Health (Salmon Pink)
Science (Golden Yellow)
Social Work (Citron)
Theology (Scarlet)
Veterinary Science (Gray)
Additional Resources
Making a Difference One Gown at a Time
Herff Jones is proud to have the two best “Green” offerings of sustainable caps and gowns in the Industry: EarthGrad™ CustomRental and Renew CustomKeeper.
Kindergarten Graduation
While some may feel that kindergarten graduations might be making a mountain out of a mole hill, let’s not be too quick to rush to judge.
A cynic may also say that school plays are just as useless since the work will never be seen on Broadway, but the fact is, celebrations like these can help a child become more comfortable in front of crowds and they can help build a child’s confidence.
Custom Commencement Caps and Gowns
Herff Jones offers one-of-a-kind Custom Rentals gowns and second-to-none Custom Keeper gowns. Custom gowns are specifically designed with school pride in mind.
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