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    Graduation Announcements: Why to Buy and How to Send

    Learn Why To Buy Custom Graduation Announcements For Your Graduation Ceremony

    Why to Buy Custom Graduation Announcements

    You’re graduating and you want to share the big news with a timeless, traditional announcement. Your school’s official announcement has been custom designed for you. Announcement designs include your schools’ seal, crest or an etching of your school to name a few. Take pride in yourself and your accomplishments by spreading the news with your schools’ official announcements.

    When To Send Your Announcements

    Mail your graduation announcements anytime between two weeks prior to graduation and two weeks following graduation.


    You will find two types of envelopes for each one of your graduation announcements.

    • Outside Envelopes
      This envelope is for mailing. It is slightly larger than the inside envelope and features an adhesive sealant on the flap so you can seal and secure contents.
    • Inside Envelopes
      Your announcement is inserted into this envelope, which is slightly smaller than the outside envelope. The flap does not feature an adhesive sealant.

    How to Address Envelopes

    With your best hand writing, address the outside envelope with blue or black ink. The addressee’s name(s) should be written formally and abbreviations in the address should be avoided.

    Write the name of the addressee and family on the front of the inside envelope; their names may be expressed informally. Place your graduation announcement into the inside envelope with the folded edge inserted first and the front of the announcement facing the flap.

    If included in your order, apply the envelope seal on the flap of the inside envelope to secure it closed. Place the inside envelope into the outside envelope and seal the outside envelope flap.

    “Loved the grad announcements! We had MANY favorable comments.” – Kelli, Class of 2018

    Tissue Inserts

    If your order contains tissue inserts, place the translucent paper on the inside of your announcement.

    Thank You Notes

    A brief, handwritten note should be sent to everyone who sends a gift, as promptly as possible.

    “Loved the announcements and the name card. Great quality paper and printing!” – Karen, Senior Parent


    Additional Resources

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