Career of the Month: UI & UX Design
We will begin featuring a different career each month to support our college students and young alumni. We hope this information is helpful to you when it comes to choosing a major, further discovering what you can do with your major, or figuring out what your next career move will be.
UI & UX Design Defined
As the tech industry continues to grow, so does the need for talented designers to create interfaces that will allow for a great user experience. This could include anything from designing an app, to a website, to a digital game and more. These two job titles can get combined together and sometimes confused for the same thing. But they are different and there is a need for both.
UX Designer (User Experience Designer)
- how the product works and feels for the end user
UI Designer (User Interface Designer)
- how the product is laid out and how the user will visually interact
Check out the full designers guide to the tech industry
The Job Market and Breaking Through
We found pretty amazing facts on the high demand for UX designers such as job growth is currently up 30%. Check out this blog post on BLOC for the full story.
Get Inspired
The best part of being a UI or UX Designer? Getting in touch with your creativity! Color Inspiration for 2016
Additional Resources
Career of the Month: STEM Field
STEM DefinedSTEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math education. Degrees in these fields are in high demand currently because the world greatly depends on technology and scientific growth. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates there will be roughly 1.2 million job openings in STEM-related fields by the year 2018 …
Introducing GradLegacy: Custom College Caps and Gowns
Graduate in School Branded Caps & GownsEvery year, millions of college students will proudly walk across a stage, recognizing a pinnacle event in their lifetime – their graduation from college. Colleges and Institutions alike should be recognizing these graduates’ proud moments with a cap and gown that personalizes the graduation …
Virtual Graduation Tips for Administrators
How to hold a successful, virtual graduation.It’s true what they say, “No one knows what the future holds.” Each and every school year brings about unexpected twists and turns. Obviously, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has made it more challenging than most, but we still want to make sure our students …
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