Back to Class Rings & Jewelry

    Preparing to Order Your Class Jewelry

    Creating your very own class jewelry

    Part of the beauty of a class ring or necklace lies in its uniqueness and its ability to tell a story. As the owner of this commemorative jewelry, you are the one who gets to bring this story to life. It’s a special opportunity and an honor that comes only once in a lifetime. But don’t let that responsibility scare you. Our design process is simple, straightforward and can even be fun.

    • First you pick your style. What design calls out to you? Traditional? Vintage? Modern? Browse all of our new styles.
    • Then you pick the metal you would like your ring to be made from. Will it be silver, gold or maybe a combination of both?
    • Next comes the stone. In addition to the 12 birthstones we also offer a wide array of other options. And each stone can be cut how you like it.
    • Finally, there’s our Prideside™ offerings for rings and our HJ Expressions™ for necklaces. This is where you really personalize your jewelry with who you are and what you love.

    Before making any of these decisions, be sure to talk to family and friends first. Go through our catalog with them. Ask them what they would choose and why. But remember that in the end this is your commemorative ring or necklace and it should reflect your story.

    One of the great things about ordering your class ring through Herff Jones is our online ring design site. With it you don’t need to visualize in your head what your ring will look like. Instead, you can see it right in front of you. Change the design from traditional to modern. Change the metal from Ultrium to yellow or white gold. Play around with what various stones and their cuts will look like. This way you can be sure that your ring will be just the way you like it.

    The ability to design your class necklace online will be added to our site soon. In the meantime, create your personalized necklace by simply contacting your Herff Jones representative and they will help you with the design of your necklace as well as help you place your order.

    If your school is having an ordering event, you can print out this 4-step design organizer, fill in your selections and bring it with you. A Herff Jones representative will be there to answer all of your questions. If you prefer, you can also place your order online at

    On a final note, don’t forget to bring your down payment to the ordering event. Most major credit cards are accepted, and some representatives will accept cash or checks. However, if you wish to use cash or a check, we encourage you to check with your Herff Jones Representative ahead of time.


    Additional Resources

    The History of Class Rings

    The history of class rings, or fellowship rings, can be traced as far back in time to ancient Egypt where certain sects would wear matching rings to show their connection to a particular cause, class or religion.

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    International Badge Day (Video)

    What is a badge? It’s a small piece of jewelry sorority and fraternity members wear close to their hearts. It is a new member’s first tangible symbol of membership, of belonging.

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    Capture Your Class Ring Journey

    Celebrate your high school memories with a custom high school class ring that captures your journey and tells your story. Watch the video to learn more!Throughout the entire high school years, each person navigates a journey unique to them. Their spirit shines through school experiences, their passions. and their achievements. …

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